Month: March 2003

Sigur Ros – Verizon Wireless Theater – Houston, TX

Written by Samuel Barker Mar 31, 2003 at 08:00 PM I remember thumbing through a copy of the New York Times a few years ago and seeing this picture of these Icelandic kids playing in an abandoned church. The picture showed the guitarist/vocalist, Jonsi, playing his guitar with a bow. Immediately, visions of Led Zeppelin…

The Doors – Verizon Wireless Theater – Houston, TX

Written by Eddie Ferranti Mar 28, 2003 at 08:00 PM It is safe to say that most people who walked through the doors of the Verizon Wireless Theater on this night were wondering if they were about to see a classic band bring back a feeling that has escaped most current rock bands, or if…

Jagermeister MusicFest – Verizon Wireless Theater – Houston, TX

Written by Samuel Barker Mar 20, 2003 at 08:00 PM Anyone who has been to a bar or pool hall is aware of Jagermeister. This dark, opaque liquor has been peddled around to everyone who has stepped foot in an alcohol serving establishment.Usually peddled by young, attractive females looking to get frat boys to open…