Month: November 2004

Helmet – Engine Room – Houston, TX

Written by Samuel Barker Nov 22, 2004 at 08:00 PM For 5 years Helmet lay dormant. Guitarist/vocalist/founder Page Hamilton put the band to bed after he was left to play all the guitar parts for 1997’s Aftertaste. Guitarist Chris Traynor joined the band for the subsequent tour, but it wasn’t enough to make Hamilton want…

The Donnas w/ The Von Bondies – The Meridian – Houston, TX

Written by Samuel Barker Nov 19, 2004 at 08:00 PM To the uneducated ear, the Donnas may not have changed much over the years, because they’re still a rock band, but if you actually listen to rock records, you know this band has seen its share of progressions and alterations.For beginning as someone’s project band…