Month: February 2015

Paul Thorn – House of Blues’ Bronze Peacock Room – Houston, TX

Written by Eddie Ferranti Some performers just seem to get better every time we catch them and Paul Thorn happens to be one. The dude is so down to earth and honest that it is refreshing in today’s music world. Playing the intimate confines of the Bronze Peacock Room in Houston, Tx.with his 5 piece…

Folk Alliance International 2015 – Kansas City MO

Written by Eddie Ferranti For the third time in our musical lives, Rose and I strapped it on and covered Folk Alliance International in frigid Kansas City. The best way to describe thee event correlates to a ride I used to love at my local amusement park when I was a kid called the Tilt-A-Whirl…

The Blasters – Continental Club – Houston, TX

Written by Jim Bille The Blasters are on the road and they stopped in at the Continental Club in Houston on Valentine’s Day after playing the Austin Continental the night before to perform before a packed Houston house. High energy rock-a-billy blues has always been the hallmark sound of this West Coast group that brothers Phil and Dave…

Alice Cooper – Bayou Music Center – Houston, TX

Written by Eddie Ferranti Things are really going great for us at HMR these days promoting mainly the singer/songwriter landscape of Houston and Austin. But it never hurts to venture into the bigger arenas and kick out the jams to keep our rockin’ roots rollin’. Rose & I did just that in the form of original shock rocker Alice…

Alejandro Escovedo – McGonigel’s Mucky Duck – Houston, TX

Written by Eddie Ferranti Performers we’ve seen over the years rarely come along who are more versatile than Alejandro Escovedo. Every style or configuration he branches out to do works.   Whether it be The True Believers, The Sensitive Boys or this fine trio he had on display at the acoustically killer McGonigel’s Mucky Duck this evening. Dude had…

Taking Back Sunday – House of Blues – Houston, TX

Written by Robert B. Johnson (@RobertSatellite on Twitter) Counting Down the Days I never miss a Taking Back Sunday show. So when Adam Lazarra, John Nolan, and company were set to pull through Houston’s House of Blues on the second stop of their Spring tour, I marked my calendar and started counting down the days….