Written by Eddie Ferranti
Jun 17, 2004 at 08:00 PM
ImageOnce they got the receipts counted from their initial outing together, the members of Fleetwood Mac were quick to reload the big rigs and hit the road once again. Still missing from the picture was Christie McVie, which left a visual and aural absence noticeable to someone who knew the songs. However, this is lap two, so we can’t dwell on that.What we can dwell on is how Lindsey Buckingham believes he is evolving into the next Jimi Hendrix. Many of the songs on this night were ruined by overdone solos which drowned out the melodies. Between these distractions and the show basically shutting down between each song while everyone readjusted, there was absolutely no flow to the set, which killed the momentum of the set.

Rather than gracefully getting old and gaining a few extra pound, Stevie Nicks used layers of clothing and costume changes to attempt to regain her youth. The problem is, it didn’t work and looked just like what it was, an attempt to hide.

The set was not a complete loss as some songs were absolutely captivation and avoided being trampled by Buckingham and his perceived guitar prowess. Landslide brought chill bumps as Buckingham and Nicks stood in a lone spotlight.

Unfortunately, these moments were too few and far between to justify the price of admission and the subjection to Buckingham’s show-stealing attempts. I know they say you should always leave the audience wanting more, but I think Fleetwood Mac left a little too much to want for them to pull many more packed houses in this area.