Written by Samuel Barker
May 09, 2005 at 08:00 PM
ImageIt’s hard to believe it has been three years already since Kelly Clarkson won American Idol and took home the shows initial championship. Spending the entire competition going through dated Motown hits and other boring songs gave the idea that Clarkson would end up going MIA after an album like so many of the other contestants (and winners) from following seasons.Well, Clarkson was just walking the walk to victory. In the live format, on her own terms, Clarkson shows much more rock attitude than sugar coated pop nonsense. There is a comfort and familiarity between her and her bandmates, which is something you rarely see from people coming from a similar background. Mostly the band is kept hiding in the shadows while the star gets all the attention, but on this night, Clarkson played with the band, gave them ample spotlight and made the night feel like a concert more than an dance exhibition.

With a packed audience filling up the Verizon, Clarkson blew the place apart when she kicked into Since You’ve Been Gone to open the set. Dirty guitars, driving beats and a voice the size of Texas sent the audience into a frenzy. Not one to idly stand and sing, Clarkson patrolled the stage and belted out the song with pained expressions of aggression and ear to ear smiles as she took in the site.

ImageThe night kicked off early to accommodate Clarkson’s younger fan base, but it was not difficult to see her reach was far beyond preteens and children, there were plenty of adults dancing and singing along as well.

With only her second album on the shelves of record stores, Clarkson is already branching out to newer audience and creating something with very few traces of the American Idol past she has. It is not inconceivable that in the future her name will not even be associated with American Idol, especially since her career seems to heading in the opposite direction of the show.

With intimate moments of bringing the whole band to the front for some soul songs to a medley of songs from her influences (including a song from Texas native Janis Joplin), Clarkson brought a show that touched on many styles and genres without trying to hard in any one style. Despite showing her endless vocal talent, Clarkson showed her willingness to experiment.

I eagerly await the coming years when the freshness and teeny appeal of Clarkson wears off and she matures as a lyricist. This is when the world will be given something amazing. With a voice like this and the pure talent she has, she will not be able to fade into the night easily, instead, she’ll grow and become something new over time. Something even more amazing.