Written by James Dillon
Nov 16, 2007 at 08:00 PM
ImageOne word can sum up the show at Warehouse Live on November 16th, shred. Fall of Troy, Clutch, and Coheed and Cambria were in town, and left everyone with their ears ringing.

The first band on the bill was Fall of Troy, a band that my friends had told me I had to see, and they didn’t disappoint. The guitar work displayed by this group was nothing less than astonishing. In addition to lightening fast fretwork, the group displayed a great deal of charisma, and the audience ate it up until then end, which saw the singer looping some noise from his guitar, and jumping into the audience (which is a good six foot leap from the stage), crowd surf for a bit, then return to the stage, play one chord, then throw his guitar down and exit the stage.

Next up was the band Clutch, after hearing half of the first song, I decided to be kind to my ears and step outside for the remainder of their set. The group looked like they had been kicked out of their fraternity ten years ago, and decided to start a horrible modern radio rock band.

Once Clutch’s gear had been pulled from the stage, Coheed and Cambria took the stage. As soon as the first chords were struck, the audience exploded with screams and the crowd surfers went up.

Along with the openers, this band showed they had clearly taken years of music lessons, and were putting them to good use. The crazy guitar work continued, even with catchier songs like “A Favor House Atlantic”, which caused the packed house to erupt with even more crowd surfers, much to the displeasure of the security guards.

Coheed played a good mix of radio hits, fan favorites, and newer songs, with the audience eating up the entire show. It was clear that the group has a very loyal fan base as I saw several younger kids emulating singer Claudio Sanchez’s trademark hair style, though it’s not really a good look for anyone.

Aside from Clutch, the sold out show was consistent with loud, fast guitars, and catchy songs that are impossible to not to tap your foot to. Even if shredding isn’t your thing, you should see these bands simply for their musical ability.