Written by Eddie Ferranti
Apr 22, 2011 at 08:00 PM
Rose and I have been riding the Patrice Pike bandwagon for years now and really enjoy her gigs.  Ever since she approved us while we were in San Francisco at the Red Devil Lounge about 5 years ago we’ve craved to see her with a full band.  She is a passionate soulful lady who spills her guts at every performance, but seeing her with a full squad is a rare thing these days.

The badass Saxon Pub was hosting the killer FM station KGSR (Austin) Lone Star State of Mind Friday night series and the packed house was ready.  As PP said playfully: “The live portion doesn’t air for an hour so we’re going to warm up ourselves and then kick ourselves’ ASS!”

Slamming on a Lone Star Light tall boy was a classic sight itself and then she crashed into “Dominque” to get it rolling. This night Pike handled the lead electric guitar work which I was expecting Matthew Johnson to be handling as he has in the past.  Instead she added back up hot lady singers (Joy Davis and Aubrey Mashburn) and a killer keyboard (Stewart Cochran) to the mix, along with solid bass (Glenn McGregor) and drums ( Seth Orell).  By the second tune “Temple” , PP took off in fine form on the axe!  “Only Thing That’s Real” and a completely re-worked “Babylon” which featured Patrice on drum were sweet as hell.

As they were gettin’ closer to going live, Pike joked that they were going to freak out KGSR and play ALL Van Halen covers on the air !  Classic. She introduced “Woman Waiting to Happen” which is coming on the much anticipated new album in September. The keyboards and backing vocals of especially Davis really brought home how much I DIG seeing this talented lady with a full band.  The passion of her songs amp up big time and none better than personal fave “Jack Knife Girl”!   “Push Me Over” will appear on BOTH her new CD and new LIVE album (out in July) and it is stellar.  “Sweet November” and the always good Sister 7 tune “Under the Radar’ cooked in the awesome surroundings that is the Saxon Pub.  After tearing thru “What’s the Trouble with You” a fired up Patrice chirped “Shake it y’all !!”   Nice.

This pepper pot of a performer never lets up and it is amazing to behold her drive, especially when she talked about her Grace Foundation which she started and is doing well in Dallas, Austin, and Houston. She beamed with pride how they had provided 5 scholarships to kids who would not have gotten one otherwise. She is a blast to enjoy whether she is running the wheels off her vehicle to Houston to do pay what you can Happy Hours, jamming out with stellar Sister 7, or fronting this installment on Easter weekend in A-Town.  Her sense of humor rocks, too like when she explained why it took 5 years to get a new album: “Well do y’all want Mama’s recipe or Ragu??”   “I Used to Hold You” will appear soon on the new stuff and it rocks.

Perhaps the best thing about this Austin/Texas Hall of Fame member and native is her deflection of praise to others.  Sincerely thanking the jammed house for coming out and supporting “indie” artists who get paid because folks show up!  I know I like showing up as much as I can to see this singer songwriter do her thing………….Try it yourself soon!   Later on out there………..